CS231A Lecture 7:Multi-view geometry (2)

CS231A Lecture 7:Multi-view geometry (2)


[HZ] Chapter 10 “3D reconstruction of cameras and structure”

[HZ] Chapter 18 “N-view computational methods”

[HZ] Chapter 19 “Auto-calibration”

[FP] Chapter 13 “projective structure from motion”

[Szelisky] Chapter 7 “Structure from motion”

Perspective SFM

复习:Single View Metrology

Structure from motion problem

Structure from Motion Ambiguities

ambiguities for 3D reconstruction:

The Structure-from-Motion Problem

Projective Ambiguity

Metric reconstruction (upgrade)

Structure from Motion methods

  1. Recovering structure and motion up to perspective ambiguity
    • Algebraic approach (by fundamental matrix)
    • Factorization method (by SVD)
    • Bundle adjustment
  2. Resolving the perspective ambiguity


Q:如何理解“If the cameras are not calibrated, cameras and points can only be recovered up to a 4x4 projective (where the 4x4 projective is defined up to scale)”

A:感觉这里说的是,因为不知道相机的内参,缺少了约束条件,最终恢复的场景和实际的场景差了一个投影变换。比如,实际的motion应该是刚性变换,但我们因为不知道相机内参,只能恢复成投影变换,就像”Projective Ambiguity“这个部分一样。但为什么知道相机内参之后能够恢复到刚性变换呢?



A:TODO(我发现,在cs231a winter1415的课程中,ppt说这里的未知数是$11m+3n-16$,我猜这个应该是和projective transformation有关系,它刚好16个数,然后15个未知量;可能这个值在这里求不出,或者在这里不用求,然后只能用其他手段求解,比如self calibration?)

Recovering structure and motion up to perspective ambiguity

Algebraic approach (2-view case)

Compute the fundamental matrix F from two views
Use F to estimate projective cameras

Cross product as matrix multiplication

Compute cameras

Interpretation of b

回顾lecture5介绍的Epipolar Constraint

Use these cameras to triangulate and estimate points in 3D


Algebraic approach: the N-views case

Bundle adjustment

Limitations of the approaches so far
About BA
General Calibration Problem
Advantages & Limitations

Resolving the perspective ambiguity: Self-calibration

About Self-calibration

Several approaches

复习:Estimating geometry from a single image

Direct approach

Projections of conics across views

Projection of absolute conics across views

From lecture 4, [HZ] page 210, sec. 8.5.1

Kruppa equations

[Faugeras et al. 92] From [HZ] page 471

Advantages & Limitations




Algebraic approach (Multi-view approach)

Art of self-calibration:

Inject information about the camera during the bundle adjustment optimization

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